Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dreamt I was Pregnant... oh my.

Don't get me wrong. I'd be so very excited if I found out I was really pregnant. But its a scary scary thought. Life would be so different. I can barely take care of myself, my husband, and my apartment. To throw a baby in the mix would be crazy, right?

Well, in reality, probably not. Thank goodness God gives us 9 months to prepare for this life change.

Eventually, I will become pregnant (God willing). So maybe its time to start taking care of myself a little more.

Maybe some healthy habits are in store...


  1. I've had those dreams before, too. In fact... I woke up this past weekend from a dream so realistic that I was sure I was due this December. LOL

  2. Wow! It's crazy... I used to have *nightmares* that I was pregnant. They were terrifying, and I would wake up in tears or frowning. And now, Brian and I talk about kids all the time. It's not so scary anymore :)

  3. me too, and this was way before everyone else started having babies, I wonder some times what our brains are doing while we are sleeping, are there messages in our dreams or are they just a mix of whatever is going on in our lives and on tv...?
