Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Workout No. 2 = death

Seriously. The second work out is no joke. I was cruising through the first one by day ten, I thought I'd be totally fine with the second workout.

I am a sweaty mess. It was probably quite comical to watch me do all that. Maybe day 12 will be more successful.

1 comment:

  1. OMG I feel your pain. Literally. I have been switching between workout 1 and 2 now. Parts of 2 don't seem to do it for me, like I'm just not doing it right...but other parts are killer. All the 'plank' moves are tough. I like the cardio, I'm huffing and puffing pretty good by the end, and I can't do the whole workout without taking a few breaks for a few seconds. Though, I know I felt like that w/ 1, so, there might be hope for us yet! Keep up the good work :-D
