Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Feeling lazy and uninspired

I am a lazy ball of stress. I think my potential work switch-a-roo has made me debilitate my creative flow. I try to work up the energy to sketch, but its such a personal thing and, as therapeutic as it can be, it takes a lot of energy and focus to get started for me.

Why am a stressing myself out about getting fun things started?? Maybe I just feel so uncertain about everything right now, including my creative abilities.

I kind of feel like a teenager again in so many ways: My sense of style is changing, my identity role is completely different even from a year ago, even my friends - I went from a nursing student who wore T-shirts and thrift store clothes, living with or near my friends/family in PG county to becoming a wife and nurse (a real live nurse), who really likes to shop and buy nicer clothes in the attempt to dress like an adult living in Bethesda (Yuppy town!) where there is so much traffic it takes 40 minutes to drive 2 blocks (hyperbolic statement, but still..) so it takes so much more energy to see my friends.

Phew.. ok now thats out of my system. I do still love to bake and that really doesn't take any energy out of me, but it does make me chubbier and thus more lethargic. Solution: I ran today and ellipticalled too.

Better posts to come.


  1. Identity crisis... I feel ya! That's why we're going to hang out this weekend. We're going to commiserate, and console, and ____ (insert some other c-word here. I'm at a loss!)


  2. Awww, I totally understand!!! Why did life suddenly get so stressful?? I was actually starting to feel guilty this weekend because I didn't have the energy to go out and take pictures of the snow! I felt guilty because I wasn't doing something that is supposed to be fun and relaxing! Lol. How backwards is that? And I might not have recently become a wife, but I am finally out on my own (as of November), and it's sort of a strange world to be in. Anyway, the point is, you're not alone!!! :)

    (P.S. This is BeepsnRays little sis, in case you didn't already know that, lol). My blog is blogerinblog.wordpress.com, if you ever feel like stalking. :)

  3. hey there, hope you and the hubby are surviving the snow alright and you aren't stuck at work. Any snow inspired baking projects? Do tell if so...or let us know if you are just enjoying the snow-bound life like me! Feel like I haven't seen you in forever!
